What is drop foot is a common question that people have in their mind. This is nothing but a condition that is seen in those who suffer from damage to their peripheral nerves. The lateral popliteal nerve is the one that is usually damaged when a person suffers from drop foot. Because of the nerve damage, there could also be associated damage to the muscle and this is what leads to drop foot, also commonly known as foot drop.
The muscle that is damaged is the tibilais anterior. This muscle is the one that helps the foot to be lifted up and when this muscle is damaged, the person will not be able to life the foot from the ground. This lack of ability to lift the foot off the ground will mean that you will not be able to walk in a normal pattern. The foot will keep slapping on the ground and you will wither have to drag the leg or life the leg higher than normal to clear the ground while walking.
For those who wonder as to what is drop foot, they will also benefit from knowing the various causes of this condition that is also known as foot drop. The common reason for the drop foot to occur is direct injury to the lateral popliteal nerve in any gunshot injuries or cut injuries. There are some other causes of this condition too. If a person has damage to a part of the brain or if the brain is diseased as in stroke, there is a generalized weakness or paralysis of the muscles and this too can lead to drop foot.
Those who are suffering from this condition will not be searching for the answer as to what is drop foot, but will be on the lookout for the solution to the problem that they are suffering from. The common method in which the condition can be treated is the use of splints. These splints can either be night splints or they can be day splints. The affected person can also use in shoe splints that are usually very acceptable. Other than the use of splints, which are temporary treatment measures, the use of surgery to correct the drop foot deformity can also be tried. This is a much more permanent remedy. This would be the most comprehensive information for all those who are wondering as to what is drop foot.
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